Grant Process


Eligibility Guidelines

Grants will be limited to 501(c)(3) charitable organizations and typically will not exceed $8,000 annually to any one organization. Approved grants must be project-focused with an estimated completion time within one year. Grant requests for operating support, loans, endowments, and unrestricted funds, will not be considered. The Foundation does not fund scientific research and generally does not fund salaries, travel, or building construction.

The Foundation requires a short, 6-month progress report along with a final report at the completion of the funded project to detail progress and to verify that the funds are used for the stated purpose. Pre- and post-site visits by SFF Trustees may be requested.

The Foundation will only consider grant requests that impact the following geographic areas: California, Oregon or the Chicago Area.

You are eligible for a SFF grant if:

  • You are a current 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

  • You are working in Oregon, California, or the Chicago area

  • Your proposed project aligns with at least one of the Foundation’s three goals and meets each of the specific bulleted criteria of said goal(s)

  • Your proposed project can likely be completed within 12 months of funding

  • Your proposed project has clearly defined and measurable outcomes

  • Your proposed project does not seek to influence legislation or participate in any political campaign

Grant Cycle

The Schwemm Family Foundation has an on-line applicationprocess with one grant cycle per year. 

The grant application timeline is as follows:

  • May 1: Application window opens

  • June 30: Application window closes

  • July-August: Trustee review and potential site visits

  • August: Grant decisions finalized and communicated


The Schwemm Family Foundation is accepting applications for the 2024 grant cycle from May 1 through June 30.