Family Nurturing Center

In 2015 the Family Nurturing Center received a grant in the amount of $5,000 from the Schwemm Family Foundation.  The grant award has helped the Center provide hands-on gardening experiences, fresh produce, and cooking skills to residents that are participating in the organization’s Farm and Food Program.  This program has partnered with the  On Track program to help parents work through drug and alcohol addiction issues so they can be reunited with their children. 

Through their Farm and Food Program, the Family Nurturing Center has been able to engage participants in learning about nutrition from the ground up by growing their own food and learning how to use it to prepare healthy meals for their children.  All of this, in an effort to help families that are moving away from addictive behaviors toward a way of life that will allow them to rebuild food-secure, self-sufficient, and healthy

With funds from the Schwemm Family Foundation, the Nurturing Center has been able to purchase materials to build, fill, and irrigate a series of raised beds, construct outdoor cooking ovens, and to purchase supplies that participants have used to preserve and store the food that they have grown.  Additional funds from the SFF have been used to purchase seed-saving equipment, record keeping journals, and books on a variety of gardening topics.